Why Is It Important to Prevent Gutter Clogs?

Gutters are an important part of any property, whether commercial or residential. When working correctly, gutters direct water away from your property while also displacing pressure caused by heavy rains. If gutters are full of debris, they can’t work as well as they should. So, why do gutters clog, and are clogged gutters a big deal? The answers might surprise you—read on to find out why.

Why do gutters clog?

There are several common culprits that can cause gutter clogs. While you can’t stop trees from losing their leaves or keep birds from making a nest, you can protect your gutters from the devastating effects of clogs:

  • Leaves: Leaves are the most common sources of gutter clogs. Instead of removing problem trees altogether, invest in quality gutters to keep leaves and other landscaping debris from clogging your gutters.
  • Weeds: Sometimes all a seed needs is a bit of moisture to sprout, which means it’s not uncommon for weeds to grow in your gutters. Decaying leaves and other debris in gutters creates a “soil” that weeds can thrive in. Keep your gutters clean to keep weeds out.
  • Birds’ nests: Birds and other animals are attracted to gutters, often building nests in them or in the nearby corners of your roof. As nests start to increase in size, they can create clogs that completely block the flow of water.
  • Muck: Any organic material that enters your gutters can break down and turn into a slimy, black mess of rotten matter. While this material is great for compost piles, it also effectively blocks gutters and downspouts.

Why are clogged gutters a problem?

Gutters and downspouts are essential for diverting water away from your property. Even if your area doesn’t experience heavy rains throughout the year, a little bit of water can do a lot of damage. Here are some of the major problems caused by clogged gutters:

  • Foundation issues: The primary function of gutters is to move water away from your foundation. Clogged gutters allow water to spill over the sides and rush down the walls. Over time, the erosion caused by pooling water can lead to foundation cracks and settling. Rather than spending the money for these major fixes, invest in quality gutters to keep your foundation in great shape.
  • Flooded basements: The water pouring down your walls due to clogged gutters doesn’t stop at your foundation. In some cases, it can come in through your basement’s porous walls and floor. Not only does this damage the interior of your home and its contents, it can cause mold, mildew and other harmful pathogens to grow.
  • Insect infestations: Pooling water is an invitation for pests. In particular, it’s the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Damp mud and leaves also make inviting places for bees and wasps to build their nests.

Clogged gutters are a big deal, and it can be expensive to get a professional to come and determine the source of the clog and remove it, plus make any remediations to address property damage. Keep in mind that clogs can come back at any time. Instead of waiting around for clogs to return, reach out to Long Island LeafGuard Gutter Company and discover how an updated gutter system ensures you’ll never have to worry about clogs again.