Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Gutter Damage?

Many parts of a home need to function properly to ensure your property is protected and a safe place to live. One feature many homes will have is gutters, which are necessary to help remove rainwater and small pieces of debris off your roof and down through the downspouts. While gutters are designed to last for a long time, there is always a chance that they could start to break down or be damaged. 

Are gutters covered in my insurance? If your gutters are damaged and not working as well as before, this question may be top-of-mind. When it comes to homeowners insurance and gutters, various factors can influence whether gutter repairs and replacements warrant coverage. 

Normal Wear and Tear

A quality set of gutters can easily last for 20 years or more. However, they will not last forever. Eventually, clogs, bad weather, and other forms of wear and tear will take their toll. If your gutters are beyond their average expected useful life and are damaged due to normal wear and tear, they likely will not be covered by your insurance plan for replacement.


Another situation in which your gutters may not be covered by insurance is if they are damaged due to negligence or lack of maintenance. For your gutters to last a long time, you will need to complete normal routine maintenance. This normally includes ensuring that they are cleaned out at least a couple of times per year, taking care of clogs when necessary, and helping to ensure excessive snow does not build up. If they are damaged due to negligence or lack of maintenance, repairs are not likely to be covered by insurance.

Situations Covered by Insurance

While there are various situations in which you will not receive coverage for gutter repairs, there are situations when you would qualify for coverage. If your gutters were damaged due to very bad storms, a fire, vandalism, or another covered claim, they should be covered by your insurance provider. An adjuster will need to review your claim and determine whether it fits within your policy. 

Ensuring that you have quality gutters in your home is very important. When your gutters are working properly, they can help protect your roof and ensure water and debris do not accumulate and cause damage to your home. If your gutters are damaged, you may want to inquire about insurance coverage. There are various factors to understand that could influence whether your gutter repairs will be covered by insurance.